Freitag, 15. Januar 2016

CJS - Basquiat, die Dritte

Und weil es so viel Spaß macht, hier nochmals eine 
Art Journal Seite "Art in Translation" nach 
Jean-Michel Basquiat von Creative Jumpstart.
Heute nach einer Inspiration von Paula Philips.
Viele Grüße von Sabine

6 Kommentare:

  1. important to remember- and a powerful representation with your colors too!

  2. Beautiful colour combination...very inspiring!!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. Hello Sabine
    Your artwork is so beautiful and colorful.
    Self care is the first step isn't it.

  4. Love the art--the squirrels in the banner are adorable. I am new in the blog world--it is nice to find art friends. Happy to say I am a new follower. xo Dea


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