Dienstag, 31. März 2015

Flower Bouquet

Today it is cold, stormy and rainy in Germany... brrrrr!
Today the theme of Creative Tuesday is "Flower Bouquet".
I bought myself a bunch of tulips  and  tried to paint them. I like the colors so much!!!!
You can see more entries here!
Wish you all a creative week!

6 Kommentare:

  1. I like pink tulips, it does remain me of spring, which is not here where I am either. I like the way the tulips bend. wonderful entry for ct.

    have a lovely day.

  2. Hi, Sabine all the way over in Germany. The colors for your tulips and leaves are so brilliant. I really like the background too with the white dots. Glad you added "Spring" too. I hope your weather turns around. :-)

  3. Beautiful tulips. I love the bright colours.

  4. Über mich, gorgeous painting. LOVE your whacky style. thank you for doing this! Reminder: please be sure to go back in and add an actally link to Creative Tuesdays blog so people can go visit the other entries if they like. Thank you. So lovely to have you here twice now. :)

    My heart still goes out to the GermanWings passengers and staff. So sad.

  5. Love the colour combination you used and your style. The flowers really pop from the background.


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