Samstag, 17. März 2012

Paper and Fabric Bead Swap

Lenna Andrews hosts again a wonderful swap - fabric and paper beads.

I made fabric beads.

Made from a long string of fabric, covered with one layer of kunin felt. I fixed it with cotton thread wrapped around the bead. Then I distorted it with the heat gun.
I finished it with a bit of gliding wax in gold to give them a sparkle.

Viele in rot/orange/gelb.

Ein paar in blau/grün.

Noch ein kleines Geschenk für Lenna.

Und hier fertig verpackt für die Reise über den Teich.

Lenna this was really big fun. Thanks for this awesome idea!!!!
And thanks for swaping such a huge amount of beads!!!

Und dann noch eine ganze Menge in grün/blau nur für mich. Mal schauen was daraus wird!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Awesome, Sabine! They are beautiful and I understand your description perfectly. I have added a link to my blog post on creative swaps and will add your name for the drawing : )

  2. That did look fun and I love your creations Dxx


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