Freitag, 24. Juni 2011

Retro Recipe Book Swap

For the first time I participated in a swap from alphastamps.
I had a lot of fun but I am really nervous if it is good enough!!!!!

I made two sets for the retro recipe book swap.

My first set is in honor of my mother-in-law.

All four together (three to swap, one for me):

The recipe is on the back of the apron.

It is the recipe of "Spätzle". A typical Swabian dish. A favourite one of my husband.
(He is the cook but my part is to make the Spätzle as my mother-in-law does.)

The back side:

The seconde set is in memoriam my mother.

All four together (three to swap, one for me):

One of her favourite recipes was the "Black Forest Cake".

This time the recipe is folded and glued to the back.

If you untie the apron you can unfold it.

Sorry, the recipes are in German.

Now, I hope you will like my work!

3 Kommentare:

  1. klasse Idee, das sieht echt genial aus!!

    Liebe Grüße


  2. Tolle Idee, gefällt mir sehr gut! LG, Valerie

  3. Hi! I am viewing these after seeing your posts on the Alpha Stamps site (and secretly hoping I get your pages!) Love, love, love them...I really love the paper you used on the back, the black/white (or tan?) vintage-y looking stuff. Great work!! Anxious to see it all!


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